Locals flock to build scarecrows


Locals flock to build scarecrows

MEENIYAN Community Garden is gearing up for its annual Australia Day Scarecrow Competition this Friday.

Community members are invited bring along their best scarecrows or get together to build along with the group. The basic scarecrow necessities will be suplied but participants are encouraged to bring along something special to make their scarecrow a winner.

The competition is split into four categories being 11 and under, 12 to 16 years, open age and family divisions.

The scarecrow construction workshop will commence at 11am at the Meeniyan Community Garden behind Tanderra Park, following the Australia Day ceremony at Meeniyan Town Hall. Judging will commence at 1.30pm.

For more information, contact Peter on 0457 221 438.

Scarecrow contender: The Australia Day scarecrow competition is sure to have locals flocking to build a winner at Meeniyan Community Garden.

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Posted by on Jan 23 2018. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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