Mine collapses


Mine collapses

MINE shaft has collapsed in Wonthaggi, leaving a gaping hole 15 metres deep and eight metres wide.
Parks Victoria advised the incident occurred within the State Coal Mine Historic and Cultural Features Reserve.
Parks Victoria team leader Brian Martin said the area was in a different part of town to the popular State Coal Mine visitor site and fencing has been placed around the shaft to help keep the public safe.
The shaft is in an area known locally as Central Area and in front of the mining infrastructure, Number 5 Brace.
“The hole has been fenced off temporarily and the current fence around the derelict Number 5 Brace has been extended to include the hole,” Mr Martin said.
“I would also like to reassure people this is not in the residential area of town so will not affect their properties.”
The Number 5 shaft that collapsed was 47m deep and 1.5m by six metres wide.
It was designed to carry two coal skips end to end. Coal mining in this area ceased in 1916.
“Parks Victoria will be seeking geotechnical advice regarding the site to identify the next steps. In the meantime, visitor safety is our top priority and we ask people to visit other areas in the park,” Mr Martin said.

Danger zone: Parks Victoria staff inspect the mine shaft collapse at Wonthaggi.

Danger zone: Parks Victoria staff inspect the mine shaft collapse at Wonthaggi.

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Posted by on Jun 10 2015. Filed under News, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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