Talents on show for film competition


Talents on show for film competition

THE film stars of Bass Coast Specialist School at Wonthaggi are going for back to back people’s choice titles.
The school is entering another video in the Focus on Ability film competition off the back of its 2017 success.
This year, the competition is going to be tougher than ever. The competition is now in its 10th year and 300 films from 20 countries have been submitted.
Bass Coast Specialist School is up to the challenge though, submitting a beautiful film centred around the competition’s core values – focusing on ability.
This concept was student driven. When asked what their film should be about, the students wanted to showcase their amazing talents, which they feel are too often overlooked due to their disabilities.
Some of the wonderful talents featured in the film include farming, working in cafes, football, driving, mechanics, filmmaking, performing parodies, rapping and music, drawing, video game designing and cooking.
The film is called My Ability.
“We’ve had discussions about changing the name of the school, because it focuses too much on disability. Our students sometimes feel that going to a specialist school is what defines them, whereas if they went to just another Wonthaggi school they would be known for their music or sport,” classroom teacher Rob Sands said.
“They aren’t impressed with the labels and that’s where the idea for this film came from; they want to show the world what really defines them.”
Like last year – when the students put together their people’s choice winning film We Are Here – the students used iPods to film footage for their submission.
Together, they worked on editing, cutting, graphics, music and putting it all together with the help of Drift Media’s Mick Green.
“This time around, the project was driven by the students and it reached a new level. There’s a real maturity about the way it was shot,” Mr Green said.
Mr Sands said not only is this a well loved project for the students, it also hits a lot of learning outcome targets featured in the curriculum.
The video went online on Wednesday (June 20), so now is the time to vote. The film has already received over 200 views.
To vote, simply follow the link https://www.focusonability.com.au/FOA/films/My_Ability_1440.html and watch the film.
After that, click vote now. You will be asked to provide an email address.
The films with the most votes are screened worldwide, including screenings in Melbourne and Sydney.
The winners will be announced later this year.

Amazing talents: Bass Coast Specialist School teachers Jess Mattock, Rob Sands, and Terry Hunt (pictured far left) and Drift Media’s Mick Green (back, second right) were wowed by students Ethan, Jordyn, Chloe, Dylan, Matt, Jeremy, Tylah, Ryan, Akaysha, Bohe, Matilda and Noah, who have put together a new film for the Focus on Ability competition.

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Posted by on Jun 26 2018. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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