Basketballers take to the court on wheels


Basketballers take to the court on wheels

NEW sports are helping to attract more young people to participate in physical activity.
GippSport – in partnership with South Gippsland SPLASH and Leongatha Basketball Association – ran a wheelchair basketball clinic last Thursday.
This clinic was made possible through a VicHealth Regional Sport Program grant.
“We are starting to introduce non-traditional, alternative sports to engage as many teenagers in physical activity,” GippSport program coordinate Gene Parini said.
“We are giving young people access to sports that are a bit different and quirky. We ran wheelchair basketball sessions at Leongatha Secondary College and Mary MacKillop (Catholic Regional College) and teachers were surprised by the level of enthusiasm, particularly from students who don’t often like to participate in physical education.”
Mr Parini said dodgeball would be trialled in Wonthaggi.
Wheelchair basketball has a few modified rules. For example, players are allowed to roll twice per bounce.
However, fouls still apply and the ring height remains the same.
The game tests upper body strength, core strength and technique.
“As well as encouraging more people into sport, we have advertised these sessions for abled bodies as well. It’s a bit of education to help them see how tough and restrictive it is to be in a wheelchair, but also what can be achieved,” Mr Parini said.
“It’s a real skill leveller.”
There are lots of inclusive sports cropping up, including a new AFL program to accommodate wheelchairs.
There are more come and try sessions for wheelchair basketball this month, open for people 12 years and older.
These will be held at the South Gippsland SPLASH in Leongatha on October 14 and 21 at 2.30pm
For more information, contact Mr Parini at [email protected].

Ready to play: from left, William Davies, Chloe Giliam and Seth Rockall took part in the wheelchair basketball clinic at South Gippsland SPLASH on Thursday.

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Posted by on Oct 9 2018. Filed under Sport. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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