Body of missing woman found


Body of missing woman found

A family’s plea: the family of Donne Morgan placed ‘missing’ posters across South Gippsland in an effort to gain information pertaining to her disappearance.

THE body of missing Korumburra woman Donné Morgan was found on Monday afternoon, January 31, in a disused building more than 1.5km from her home.
Donné had been missing since October 28 last year, after an apparent suicide attempt. Family and police believe Donné took a massive dose of prescription medication.
Her whereabouts had remained a mystery.
“Donné’s body was located on a rural property off Shellcotts Road in Korumburra. She was basically about 1.7km from her home,” Korumburra Police sergeant Clive Smith said.
“Unfortunately the property doesn’t have any residential premises on it. It’s owned by a Melbourne man who hasn’t been up to the property since August. He and his wife were checking the fences when he came across Donné’s body in a disused portable cool room.”
Donné’s body was found with a purse containing identification.
The body was taken to the Melbourne Coroner’s Office, where a post mortem will be performed. Official identification will be confirmed using dental records or DNA.
There will also be a coronial inquiry into Donné’s disappearance and subsequent death.
Donné’s husband David said his wife would have a “private burial” when her body is released to the family.
“When the police rang me yesterday I must say my immediate sensation was a sense of shock, but relief as well. It’s finally over,” he said.
“It’s been a bloody horrible time. It’s never out of your head: what happened? She was a very determined lady. She’s walked a long way. Shellcotts Road is hilly and she’s walked over and kilometre and a half with the overdose she’d taken.
“She was determined not to be found alive and revived. The only thing that went wrong with her plan was she didn’t intend to go missing this long. At least she has been found and we can begin to work towards some form of closure.”
David said the Korumburra community had been hugely supportive since his wife’s disappearance.
“I’d like to thank the police and the SES, who were involved in the searches. Specifically, I’d like to thank Clive Smith and his team of people. And also the people of Korumburra, especially those who did go out and check properties,” he said.
“A lot of people have been very, very supportive. We don’t know a lot of people in the town, but there has been a lot of support. I’m grateful for that. The whole family is too.”

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