
Business leaders inspire teens


LEONGATHA Secondary College students got to hear firsthand experiences from local business people at the Beacon speed careers seminar last Tuesday, March 22.

Year 10 students listened to 14 business people share their experiences and study pathways to gain a broader understanding of different careers in the community.

“This is the fifth year we ran the program for our students. It is a workshop recommended by the Beacon Foundation to help expose the students to a variety of career options,” careers coordinator Jenny Goss said.

“The presenters spoke to groups for five minutes about their experiences, the subjects they studied in high school, whether or not they pursued further study and the different pathways they took.”

The workshop offers students an insight into the diverse nature of the workforce prior to their work experience applications which will start later in the school year.

“It gives them a chance to see what is out there and it may also help them for when they get to subject selections for VCE or VCAL,” Ms Goss said.

Presenters gathered from trade occupations, design, catering, therapy, retail, farming, customer service and medicine fields.

Food for thought: Brent Sinclair (centre) of Brent Sinclair Catering spoke to Leongatha Secondary College students Jack and Jesse about his experiences in the workforce at the Beacon speed careers seminar on Tuesday, March 22.

Food for thought: Brent Sinclair (centre) of Brent Sinclair Catering spoke to Leongatha Secondary College students Jack and Jesse about his experiences in the workforce at the Beacon speed careers seminar on Tuesday, March 22.

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Posted by on Mar 30 2016. Filed under Business. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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