David inspires


David inspires

Top class: David McAlpine was presented with a medallion and certificate by Legatee, Bryce Phillips, president, Melbourne Legacy and an Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary from Alyce Crosbie of Oxford University Press.

DAVID McAlpine has represented Mary MacKillop College in the state final of the Legacy Junior Public Speaking competition.

Although he did not win, David was one of just 12 students to make the state final, from a starting pool of 450.

The event was held at the ABC’s Iwaki Auditorium in Melbourne.

David won the local round of this competition at Wonthaggi and then competed at the district level at Dandenong in September. There he was selected as one of three students to proceed to the state final.

David spoke about Professor Barry Marshall, a Nobel Prize winning medical scientist who became a human guinea-pig in the quest to establish a link between a certain sort of bacteria and the development of stomach ulcers.

David actually spoke to Professor Marshall about his life and work

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