Get into badminton
THE Leongatha Badminton Club has started its 2019 season with a number of practice nights.
These nights are quite casual affairs and allow new players the opportunity to have a few sets and learn the rules and etiquette of this marvellous game.
Badminton requires good hand eye coordination, fitness and touch. It is a sport that is easy to pick up and is a great way to meet new people.
The Leongatha Badminton Club’s practice nights will continue on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm at the ECA Centre. There is no cost associated with these nights and club racquets are available.
In early May the club anticipates to select even teams and start its competition.
Junior and senior players are most welcome and the club encourages more females to get involved in a game you can play for the rest of your life.
For more enquiries contact Frank Dekker on 0487 433 208.
We look forward to seeing many old and new faces at our next practice night.
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