Indonesian teachers inspire Leongatha


Indonesian teachers inspire Leongatha


LEONGATHA Secondary College last week hosted two teachers from Indonesia as part of the program Australia Awards in Indonesia.

The program is funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and coordinated through the Asia Education Foundation.

It has supported more than 130 Indonesian education professionals and future leaders to visit Victoria for professional development.

The goal of the Australia Awards in Indonesia is to build the Australian and Indonesian teachers’ knowledge and skills.

“This was a fantastic opportunity for the Leongatha Secondary College community to develop an understanding of Indonesian history, society and culture, and in turn, our intercultural understanding,” Leongatha Secondary College senior school leader Russell Ogden said.

“We hope this is just the start of a mutually beneficial and long-term relationship with our visiting friends.

“The visit also dovetails perfectly as a follow up for students who took part in our Indonesian Study Tour to Yogyakarta in December 2016.”

The Indonesian teachers Pak Harmain from Lombok and Pak Murysid from Sumbawa were interested to see the practices used by teachers, including technology.

Development: Leongatha Secondary College Year 12 student Sarah Bouquet with Indonesian teachers Pak Harmain from Lombok and Pak Murysid from Sumbawa and assistant principal Brad Hutchinson.

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Posted by on Mar 28 2017. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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