Janet Iles turns 100


Janet Iles turns 100

THE Port Welshpool Maritime Museum is ready to celebrate.

The fishing boat Janet Iles is turning 100 and the centenary will start at 10am on October 11.

It will be held at the museum on the corner of Townsend and Turnbull streets, Port Welshpool.

There will be a bite to eat, live music from harpist Barbara Jeffery, net repairing and fishing filleting demonstrations by a local fisherman, and activities for the children including face painting and colouring in.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to exchange stories with Jim Roberts who crewed the Janet Iles and family representative Janet Taylor.

The Janet Iles was built in Williamstown in 1914 for Ms Taylor’s grandfather WBM Smith.

It was used mainly for fishing in the early stages and its crew caught thousands of boxes of salmon. It was specifically adapted to fish in deep waters.

WBM Smith settled the town and was eager to create a fishing village.

The Janet Isles was passed down through the family.

It is the largest vessel of its time still intact and was often used in the regatta at Port Albert.

Eastern Victoria Region MLC Danny O’Brien and South Gippsland Shire Council mayor Cr Jim Fawcett will open the event.

All are welcome to come along and celebrate.

Ready to celebrate: Fran Grylls (left) and Janet Taylor, granddaughter of WBM Smith, are busy planning for the Janet Iles centenary, which will be held on October 11.

Ready to celebrate: Fran Grylls (left) and Janet Taylor, granddaughter of WBM Smith, are busy planning for the Janet Iles centenary, which will be held on October 11.

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Posted by on Sep 30 2014. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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