
Jelbart joins DataGene

LEONGATHA South dairy farmer Tim Jelbart has been appointed to the board of DataGene, the dairy industry’s organisation to drive herd improvement.

He was appointed at DataGene’s recent annual general meeting at which Simone Jolliffe, dairy farmer from Wagga Wagga and Graeme Gillan, Holstein Australia CEO were re-appointed to the board.

Mr Jelbart is general manager of the 1000-cow dairy operation, Jelbart Dairy, in South Gippsland, which he co-owns with his two brothers. Before returning to the family farm, he established a career in agribusiness property valuation which he continues on a part-time basis.

Jelbart Dairy has used its herd improvement program to continue to accelerate genetic gain and build a significant income stream from the sale of genetically superior livestock, as a by-product and business focus.

The detailed records kept on the Jelbart herd and business led them to be a Genetics Focus Farm in the ImProving Herds project and host the National Muster on their farm in May 2018.

While his late father, Max Jelbart, was a passionate breeder, Mr Jelbart describes himself an analytical farmer, who relies on farm data, his financial skills and the expertise of his staff and support network.

“I’m a good example of the type of farmer who can’t wait for more tools from DataGene so that I can make informed business decisions based on our own farm records and industry improvements,” he said.

He looked forward to being bringing a practical perspective to the DataGene board and being an advocate for positive change.

DataGene is an independent and industry owned organisation responsible for driving genetic gain and herd improvement in the Australian dairy industry.

DataGene performs many pre-competitive herd improvement functions such as genetic evaluation, herd testing and herd improvement software development and  data systems. DataGene is a Dairy Australia and industry collaboration.

For more information about DataGene’s activities for 2017-18, refer to its Annual Update, available from www.datagene.com.au

For more information contact: DataGene 03 9032 7191 or [email protected] or www.datagene.com.au.




Genetics focus: Leongatha South dairy farmer Tim Jelbart has been appointed to the DataGene board.

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Posted by on Dec 4 2018. Filed under Rural News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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