
Latest John Deeres lure farmers

Family day: from bottom, Nicholas Matheson, Lachlan Burns, Mav, Tiffany-Blossom and Macca Matheson all from Wonthaggi took a ride in a John Deere at the Windmill Ag ride and drive day last week.

WINDMILL Ag held its annual ride and drive day last week, where interested farmers were able to come and try the latest in John Deere, Kuhn and Agrowdrill cultivation equipment and Croplands sprayers.

Held at Stony Creek, salesperson Art Renden said around 40 people came through the gates for the day.

“There was a strong interest from all of the visitors, so this was very positive,” he said.

“The aim of the drive day is to allow people who are interested in the tractors to physically drive the tractors and test the machinery.”

Mr Renden said Windmill Ag holds the drive day as a follow up to Farm World each year.

“People can sit in the tractors and have a look at Farm World, but they can’t drive them,” he said.

There has been a decrease in machinery sales over the past months and Mr Renden said that could be a reflection of the dry summer and lower milk prices.

“Following the recent autumn break things are looking a lot more positive than they were two months ago,” he said.


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Posted by on Apr 10 2013. Filed under Rural News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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