Moustaches back men’s health


Moustaches back men’s health

BASS Coast Health (BCH) is joining the ranks of supporters raising money for men’s health by participating in Movember this November.
The ‘Basstaches’, a team of BCH male staff, are competing to have the bragging rights for the best moustache by the end of the month and are seeking donations for their team.
Team captain Chris Campbell, BCH Café 1910 supervisor, reckons he has it in the bag, saying, “I think I’ve got it all sewn up”.
While his team mates may disagree with his early confidence, one thing they do all agree on is the importance of raising awareness about men’s health, and the team is urging all men to start having conversations about their health and wellbeing – without fear of judgement.
Associate Professor Bruce Waxman OAM, chief medical officer at BCH, said all men need to talk about their health with each other and their partners.
“The biggest problem with men is that they don’t talk about it,” Associate Professor Waxman said. “Indeed, few men even have a GP, and if they do, it’s often a different GP from that of their partner.”
Associate Professor Waxman, a general and colorectal surgeon for more than 30 years, said conversations about men’s health need to be normalised so that men feel more comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking help.
“Whereas breast self-examination is something that is feely discussed and accepted, self-examination of one’s scrotum is frowned upon. This needs to change,” he said.
In Australia, testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. Men should feel their testicles every month or so to be familiar with them so they can detect changes, and head to their GP if something doesn’t feel right.
Adding to this reluctance to discuss male-related health issues. Associate Professor Waxman said men are fearful of the digital rectal examination of their prostate that is needed to diagnose and treat prostate cancer early.
But catching prostate cancer is early is key – the difference between early detection and late detection can be life and death.
If detected early, there is a 98 percent chance of survival beyond five years, compared to a 25 percent chance of surviving beyond five years with late detection.
Men over 50 need to have a conversation with their GP about having a routine blood test called a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test, which is the primary method of detecting prostate cancer.
It’s also worth noting that not everyone experiences symptoms, however men noticing changes in urinary or sexual function should see their GP.
Associate Professor Waxman said although men’s health focuses on things that are unique to men, it’s worth remembering that broader health issues are even more important.
“Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, looking after your mental wellbeing and ensuring good sleep hygiene – these things are so fundamentally important for men,” he said.
To make a donation to the Basstaches, go to
For more information about men’s health, go to

Sprouting moustaches: from left, part of the Basstaches team at Bass Coast Health, Chris Campbell, Greg Tingate, Douwe Ton, Glen Ton and Blake Carew.

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Posted by on Nov 20 2018. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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