Musicians rock beach-side


Musicians rock beach-side

Rocking out: Russell Parke tells it how it is to an inspired Stepping Stones set at Inverloch recently.

EVERY now and again a band comes along that changes everything.
Stepping Stones is such a band.
The tight knit ensemble of Steve Canning, Drew Arnup, Emily Drysdale, Corran Djuric, Russell Parke, Lisa Blackman, Emily Ardley, Emma Derrick, Will Smith, Riley Smith, Ronnie Layton and guests were rocking out recently when they provided musical entertainment to celebrate International Day of People with a Disability at Inverloch.
The day offered people with a disability the chance to try all sorts of different activities, including beach volleyball, kiting, sand sculpting, fishing, rock pooling, sailing, windsurfing and kayaking.
Stepping Stones was formed at the U Music Cafe in Leongatha (behind the Uniting Church). The not-for-profit program offers musical tuition as well as lessons in song writing.
The group is always looking for new members and volunteers.
Facilitator Anne-Marie Becu said the cafe comes to loud life on a Friday.
“The players get all kinds of wonderful things out of this – music, social interaction. It’s a really beautiful afternoon. It gets people who’ve never had a chance to try an instrument a go,” she said.
“It’s a really evolving program.”
For details of the U Music Cafe call 5659 2385.

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Posted by on Dec 14 2011. Filed under Community, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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