Positive signs for Leongatha growth


Positive signs for Leongatha growth

BUSINESS investment is set to grow in Leongatha with the opening of a new industrial subdivision.
Leongatha is set for substantial business growth, with keen interest being shown by investors in the new Curtis Close subdivision.
There is no doubt the town needs more flat, accessible industrial land.
That’s the message from business and council in the town.
But relief might have arrived with a new industrial subdivision on the market.
Three of the eight lots on Curtis Close, off Cusack Road, have already been sold.
Stockdale and Leggo agent Mick Hanily said another stage would provide enough land for five to 10 years.
“There’s been a multitude of businesses interested in the lots and they’ve all been local businesses that are expanding their businesses,” he said.
Ryans Buildpro business manager Melanie Ryan said more flat, easily accessible industrial land would be ideal.
“There is still a fair bit of industrial land up on the hill, but it’s fairly steep,” she said.
“The key for industrial land is B-Double access, so it needs to be reasonably flat.”
Ms Ryan said there had been various proposed routes for heavy vehicle access over the last 20 years.
“I think a big key is whether VicRoads eventually agrees to some heavy vehicle bypass because somewhere along the route would be the ideal place for an industrial estate,” she said.
Gippsland Truck Mechanics moved several hundred metres up Cusack Road in the industrial estate last year.
The growing business needed extra space to service more trucks.
Owner Brian McAlpine said they snatched up their new site six years ago.
It was a mostly flat block of land with room for B Double trucks to turn around.
“This was the best option at the time. Everybody was asking about it,” Mr McAlpine said.
Other businesses even offered to buy the block while Gippsland Truck Mechanics was preparing to develop it.
Mr McAlpine said more flat blocks were needed for industrial land.
“The biggest problem now is the cost of levelling out blocks, and then once you start cutting into blocks you have to put in retaining walls,” he said.
South Gippsland Shire Council Mayor Jim Fawcett said there was demand for flat land.
“The old estate is certainly fully occupied. In the new estate I understand there are some properties for sale there,” he said.
“Most industrial users would prefer flat land and I think there might be limited availability of that at the moment.”
The Leongatha Structure Plan identifies future industrial land along Hughes St and then extending around the Leongatha recreation reserve to Wild Dog Valley Rd.
The proposed heavy truck bypass would go through this area, connecting the South Gippsland Highway to the Strzelecki Highway.
This would keep industrial businesses in the same area.
But it cautions that developing in this area, which is visible from the South Gippsland Highway, could impact on the “dramatic rural, rolling hills vista” at the town entrance.
The plan states Leongatha will need an additional 30 hectares of industrial land between now and 2026 to add to the 104.4 hectares already zoned that way.

Short URL: http://www.thestar.com.au/?p=269

Posted by SiteAdmin on Nov 9 2010. Filed under Business, Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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