Prom Country Business Forum
SOCIAL media is often lauded as a ‘must-have’ tool for any business.
But is it all it’s cracked up to be and how can it work for you?
On Monday, December 1, Prom Country Regional Tourism is hosting a Business Forum that will discuss Facebook and how it can work in a business setting.
Other topics include ‘how to reduce your power bills through energy efficiency’ and a session hosted by Consumer Affairs Victoria that will look at the rights of business owners and operators and answer questions such as when do businesses need to provide refunds and what happens if a customer damages property?
Targeted at local businesses, the forum will feature four presenters:
Kylie Bartlett better known as the ‘web celeb’ will run a cheekily entitled session called ‘Friends with Benefits’. Kylie, despite specialising in social media, is no stranger to traditional media having appeared on numerous television and radio programs such as the Today Show. An international public speaker who has trained, coached and inspired more than 1,000 businesses to become socially savvy, Kylie has a simple message about why social media is important: “It’s the new telephone and you need to answer the call or run the risk of your competitors answering it for you”.
Brett Hamm from Copy Transmission will discuss practical tips to help you get the most out of your Facebook page. Brett, a South Gippslander (via Canada), has a background in copy writing and social media management and has administered the communication for a broad range of corporate, government, celebrity and community clients.
Rhys Freeman from the Energy Innovation Cooperative is a level 2 energy auditor. Rhys will help forum attendees to identify changes that can have a substantial impact on electricity bills.
Chris Childs is the Gippsland Regional Coordinator for Consumer Affairs Victoria. Chris has a strong background working with businesses within the community and helping to make consumer law a little less confusing. Chris will run an interactive session and take questions from the audience. The forum will run from 1pm – 5pm at the Salvation Army centre in Leongatha.
Cost is $20 per person ($15 for Prom Country Regional Tourism members).
The Business Forum is supported by the South Gippsland Shire Council and Destination Gippsland Ltd.
To book your spot, go to: or phone 0435 261 281.
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