Show defies rain to come out shining


Show defies rain to come out shining


THE Korumburra Show battled through rain on Saturday to provide quality family entertainment once again.

“The show started going well after the rain stopped,” show president Doug Appleton said.

“Because of the weather, the rides had to start late.”

Horses were the main feature of the show and people rolled in early just to see them.

There were plenty of stallholders scattered around the showgrounds and a magician entertained guests in the Korumburra Football Clubrooms.

Elisabeth Murdoch College from Langwarrin once again led the ewe exhibition.

“We also have Barn Buddies here with their animal farm,” Mr Appleton said.

“That’s excellent for the children.”

Beaut utes, Scottish dancers and a snake charmer completed the show scene, with more happening on Sunday.

“It has been a fabulous show,” Mr Appleton said.

Show organisers are looking for young volunteers to help out in 2016.

There is always something to do for someone willing to lend a helping hand to make the show a success.

Great ride: from left, Fletcher and Harvey Robinson from Leongatha were impressed with the car ride at the Korumburra Show.

Great ride: from left, Fletcher and Harvey Robinson from Leongatha were impressed with the car ride at the Korumburra Show.

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Posted by on Feb 17 2015. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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