Top role for ‘Burra


Top role for ’Burra

New flag: McMillan MHR Russell Broadbent presents a new Australian flag to Maurie Mueller who raises it daily at Carinya Lodge Hostel.

KORUMBURRA has an excellent future as a high quality aged care hub.

With the Baby Boomer generation demanding a much broader range of services for its twilight years, Korumburra could set itself up to provide for those needs.

A training facility for aged care workers could be part of that picture.

McMillan MHR Russell Broadbent suggested that lucrative opportunity during a visit to Carinya Lodge Hostel.

“This would be great employment for the town.

“Think through the opportunities in a niche market.”

Having just addressed the Korumburra Primary School students on the topic “seize the day”, Mr Broadbent was in just the mood to draw attention to the theme for those managing the care of people at the other end of the life spectrum.

Carinya’s board of management is worried about the future.

The industry is expecting Prime Minister Julia Gillard to announce sweeping changes in June that could threaten the viability of smaller hubs like Carinya.

“The devil is in the detail and it’s very nasty,” said Carinya secretary Clyde Paterson.

Board members were trying to impress upon Mr Broadbent that he must act to prevent the changes coming in.

“There are always difficult issues (with aged care). The bureaucrats don’t change even if the government does,” the politician said.

The nation goes to the polls on September 14 and a Coalition win is all but a certainty.

Responding to a plea from Carinya secretary Clyde Patterson, Mr Broadbent was blunt, “I can’t stop this government destroying you Clyde.”

Carinya is a 43-bed low care facility.

Mr Paterson said an investigation into adding a high care section had shown Carinya would have to have 150 beds in order to be viable. It has been ruled out.

It’s Mr Paterson’s view the federal changes will render unviable facilities with less than 50 beds. He said the board had spent the past decade bringing Carinya back to accounting surplus.

“We’re not for profit, but we’re not for loss either!”

There are 29 independent living units and six more are being built to help the hostel’s bottom line.

Mr Paterson told Mr Broadbent that in 2000, there was a $50,000 gap between government subsidies and wages and costs at Carinya. Now the gap is almost $366,000.

“Our beds are full all the time – there is high demand.”

Mr Broadbent said there is a place for assisted living accommodation catering for the needs of those in between the independent living stage and low care.

“It means couples can live together in their own facilities with extra care if they need it,” he explained.

Another attraction is they are fully funded by the residents themselves.

The federal changes include a 2.75 per cent wage rise for aged care workers.

Mr Paterson is not disputing the necessity for this but warned on-costs are not included.




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