Volunteers make a difference
VOLUNTEERING makes a difference, not only to the local community but also for the person volunteering.
Research by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners reports that people who volunteer their time and energy to help others themselves experience greater happiness and better health than people who do not volunteer.
If you like helping others and have a spare three hours a week to do voluntary work with a great team of people, call in to the South Gippsland Citizens Advice Bureau (SGCAB) and the Leongatha Community and Visitor Information Centre to find out more.
The SGCAB is running a one day a week training course for six weeks, starting on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 to train people in helping others in the local community.
To obtain an application form, call into the office at Memorial Hall Complex, Michael Place, Leongatha, between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Applications close February 28, 2018.
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