Students show off gym talent
ST LAURENCE’S Primary School in partnership with Leongatha Gymnastics Club (LGC) and Sporting Schools Victoria offers students the opportunity to take part in a developmental gymnastics program each year.
During term two and three students participate in weekly lessons developing their acrobatic and floor skills on a variety of apparatus.
With expert assistance from Miranda Wilson (LGC) and PE teacher Lachie Hughes the students learn to set high expectations for themselves, take on challenges and achieve great success.
At the end of the program students took part in a gym routine assessment day, on Thursday, August 17.
Students who choose to take part in a competitive routine are judged on their skill on floor, rings, beam and bars.
Students can also choose to work with a small group and perform a short floor routine to music in which they demonstrate their learning over the gym training period if they prefer not to participate in a competitive routine.
All routines were judged and students were given feedback on their efforts.
Students who showed great skill in the competitive section are able to go onto a competition in Melbourne.
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